Saturday, May 28, 2011

Business of Charity

Business of Charity

Charity has always been a very tricky topic. Where does the money for the charity come from? Where does the money for the new temples come from?
How does the business of the NGO run? What are the intricacies of charity?
It’s a fascinating topic that we are going to uncover today.

Charity is a business. If someone donates 100 k to a school he wants his name to be mentioned in the local news magazine that he has donated. This is basically the expectation part of the charity. You are expecting something in return. Charity is not supposed to be done by keeping expectation in mind.

In social circles charity is used to gain moral upper ground. For example, the owners of Manickchand donate in millions in religious places. On one hand they spoil health and on other hand they want to butter the God. They are segregating their business from religion.

In Gujarati circles, charity is used as a tool for gaining a reputation. During arranged marriages both the parties cross examine as to how much charity does one do to please the God.

The ironic point is that no one contributes to teach the kids, they do it to please the God. I thought kids were the form of the God

PS: We sincerely thank our secret followers; Good to know people like our blog. Thank you.


saumil said...

Very per saying even your left hand should not know what your right hand did in term of charity.

Sonia Prabhu said...
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Sonia Prabhu said...

People have various reasons. As long as its done for a good cause who's complaining.
"Technically" yes, charity should be done with good will, good intentions and with no expectations. But if those are the only ones who donate, we'll end up with a far less money ;)
I feel charity is a good cause which is done for happiness. Some do it because they seek happiness by doing something good, some by showing off. At the end of the day, it's meant for a good cause so all should be well :)

Jay said...

Charity is a means used to do away with black money